Power Scheme AC Power DC Power
Home/office Desk None Adaptive
Portable/Laptop Adaptive Adaptive
Presentation Adaptive Degrade
Al ways On None None
Minimal Power Management Adaptive Adaptive
Max Battery Adaptive Degrade
Three control methods that are implemented to support Windows XP Native Processor
Performance Control.
_PCT Processor performance control object.
_PSS The number of supported processor performance states.
_PPC Number of performance states currently supported by the platform.
4.6.3 Intel Geyserville iii & Enhanced intel speedstep
Geyserville III Technology allows the CPU performance and power consumption levels to be altered while
the computer is functioning. It alters the performance of the CPU by changing the bus to core frequency
ratio and CPU voltage. This allows the processor to run at different core frequencies and voltages
depending upon the system power source(AC or battery in a mobile computer), CPU thermal state, o r OS
policy. Note that the external bus frequency(processor system bus) is not altered; only the internal core
frequency is changed. In order to run at different speeds, the voltage is altered in step with the bus ratio.
This works in accordance with voltage reduction technology that allows a given processor to run at higher
frequency when a higher voltage is applied. The side result is that power is increased in a roughly
cube-law fashion as the performance is altered in this manner.
A software model utilizing Geyserville III is currently referred to as Enhanced Intel S peedStep Technology.
This technology is a software mechanism that involves the fundamental mechanics of Intel SpeedStep
Technology and includes demand-based CPU performance. Demand-based CPU performance uses the
OS’s knowledge of CPU demand to match the performance of the CPU to the workload of the system. As
an example, if the highest performance state provided by the CPU is 1600MHz at 18W and the lowest
performance state provided by the CPU is 800MHz at 6W, with performance states available at each
100MHz step in between, and the performance required by the system is effectively 1200MHz, a
Geyserville III technology system can provide the required 1200MHz of performance without waste any
additional power.
4.6.4 Battery management
S62F supports Lithium-Ion battery pack and a battery calibration menu items in “Power Menu
Group” for users to calibrate a battery.
The settings of cooling policies are based on the CPU temperature read back from the “Intel Digital
Thermal Sensor” which is embedded in CPU and a external thermal sensor ADT7461. All parameters
defined in BIOS are showed in Table 4-7.
Table 4-7 FAN Control Mode
FAN Control Mode EC Linear
Table 4-8 Parameters for FAN control
Definition Parameter Base Temperature Thermal Monitor Label
EC CPU Shutdown
temperature Threshold 110 CPU EC S/D
OS Critical Shutdown
Threshold (_CRT) 105 CPU OS S/D
OS Passive Cooli ng
Threshild (_PSV) 95 CPU OS PSV