3.4.4 LifeView® TVR Application

The LifeView® TVR Application allows you to watch and record TV in the Terminator 2 system. Install this application if your system comes with a 3-in-1 PCI card with a TV tuner.

The 3-in-1 PCI card is available only on Deluxe models.

Using LifeView® TVR

To use the LifeView® TVR application:

1.Install the LifeView TVR application from the Utilities tab of the support CD. See page 49 for details.

2.Launch the Lifeview TVR application by double-clicking the TVR icon on the Windows® desktop.

3.The Lifeview TVR panel appears.

Refer to the LifeView® TVR user manual in the Drivers folder (Drivers\TV\TV Manual\Manual_ENG.pdf) of the support CD for details on this application.


Chapter 3: Starting up