In a hotel front office, you may be required to answer calls for other coworkers. If so, calls intended for those coworkers may be redirected to you by the Call Coverage feature. These calls can be answered the same as any other call. During the call, you may need to leave a message for your coworker or consult with them about the call.
To leave a message for a coworker to call the original caller's extension, do the following:
1.Press the Cover Callback
button while connected to the call.
■You hear a confirmation tone.
To talk privately with a coworker after answering a redirected call, do the following:
1.Press Transfer
■The call is placed on hold, and you hear a dial tone.
2.Do one of the following:
a.Press Menu
, and then press Cnslt.
b.Press Consult
c.Dial your coworker’s extension.
■You hear a ringback tone.
■The call rings at your coworker’s extension with priority ringing.
3.You can privately discuss the call. If your coworker is not available, press the held call appearance to reconnect the call.
4.Do one of the following:
a.Press Transfer
to transfer the call to your coworker.
b.Press Conf
to create a conference call.
Issue 1 March 1996 17