Chapter 4
Keyboard Port Operation
The CM1164 provides an extensive,
Activate the OSD
To activate the OSD using your keyboard, tap the Scroll Lock key twice:
[Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]
You can close the OSD by pressing the Esc key or the space bar.
Note: The hotkey for activating the OSD can be change to the Ctrl key. See Hardware Cursor Type, page 41 for details.
Activate the OSD in Hardware Cursor Mode
The following additional hotkeys apply when the Hardware Cursor Mode is enabled. See Hardware Cursor Mode, page 24 and page 40, for more information on this feature.
1.[Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock] then mouse
2.Click Esc to close the OSD.
3.Click Esc again to exit Hardware Cursor Mode and go back to normal PC operation.
Note: When Hardware Cursor Mode is disabled, pressing [Scroll Lock] twice opens the OSD.