Port ID Numbering
Each CPU Port on a Master View installation is assigned a unique Port ID. You can directly access any computer on any level of the installation by specifying the Port ID of the CPU port that the computer is connected to - either with the Hotkey port selection method, or with the OSD.
The Port ID is a one, two, or three digit number. It is determined by the Stage Level and CPU Port number of the Master View unit that a computer is connected to.
The first digit represents the CPU Port number of the First Stage unit; the second digit represents the CPU Port number of the Second Stage unit; the third digit represents the CPU Port number of the Third Stage unit.
A computer attached to a First Stage unit has a one digit Port ID (from 1 to 4 for the
A computer attached to a Second Stage unit has a two digit Port ID:
The first digit represents the CPU Port number on the First Stage unit that the Second Stage unit links back to.
The second digit represents the CPU Port number on the Second Stage unit that the computer is connected to.
For example, a Port ID of 2 3 refers to a computer that is connected to CPU Port 3 of a Second Stage unit that links back to CPU Port 2 of the First Stage unit.
Likewise, a computer attached to a Third Stage unit has a three digit Port ID. A Port ID of 2 4 1 refers to a computer that is connected to CPU Port 1 of a Third Stage unit, that links back to CPU Port 4 of a Second Stage unit, which, in turn, links back to CPU Port 2 of the First Stage unit.
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