OSD Navigation

￿[Esc] cancels the current selection, or dismisses the current menu and moves back to the menu one level above. If you are at the highest menu level, it deactivates OSD.

￿To move up or down through the list one line at a time, Click the Up and Down Triangle symbols (￿￿), or use the Up and Down Arrow Keys. If there are more items than appear on the screen, the screen will scroll.

￿To move up or down through the list one screen at a time, Click the Up and Down Arrow symbols (￿￿), or use the [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] keys. If there are more items than appear on the screen, the screen will scroll.

￿To activate a port, move the Highlight Bar to it then press [Enter].

￿After executing any action, you automatically go back to the menu one level above.

OSD Hotkey Navigation

Hotkey navigation can also be used under OSD as follows:

1.From the OSD Main Menu, press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt].

2.Key in the Port ID for the computer you wish to access (see Port ID Numbering, p. 14), then press [Enter].

The console now controls the computer that you have selected, and the OSD automatically closes.

When you use this method, note the following:

￿Although access switches to the port you just specified, the highlight bar on the OSD screen doesn’t move.

￿You must press [Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt] one after the other - not all at the same time.

￿After pressing the [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt] combination, you must key in the Port ID and press [Enter] within 1 second for each keypress.

￿The keys must be pressed and released one key at a time.

￿Number keys must be pressed from the regular keyboard; not from the numeric keypad.

￿If you submit an incorrect Port ID, an error message displays, and you are returned to the OSD Main Menu.

CS-9134 / CS-9138 User Manual

