F4 QV:
QV lets you select which ports you want to include for automatic scanning under the Quick View Scanning function (see F2, above). [F4] is a toggle. To select/deselect a port, move the highlight bar to it, then press [F4].
When a port has been selected, an arrowhead displays in the QV column to indicate so. When a port is deselected, the arrowhead disappears.
To help remember which computer is attached to a particular port, every port can be given a name. The EDIT function allows you to create, modify, or delete port names. To edit a port name:
1.Move the highlight bar to the port you want to edit.
2.Press [F5].
3.Key in the new Port Name, or modify/delete the old one.
The maximum number of characters allowed for the Port Name is 15. Legal characters include:
All alpha characters: a - z; A - Z
All numeric characters: 0 - 9
Case does not matter; the OSD displays the Port Name in all capitals no matter how they were keyed in.
4.When you have finished editing, press [Enter] to have the change take effect. To abort the change, press [Esc].
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