Chapter 7. Windows Client Port Operation
The drop down list on the left offers four fixed choices as shown in the table, below:
Choice | Meaning |
All | Lists all of the ports on the installation. |
Powered On | Lists only the ports that have their attached devices |
| powered on. |
Quick View | Lists only the ports that have been selected as Quick |
| View ports |
Quick View + Powered On | Lists only the ports that have been selected as Quick |
| View Ports (see p. 93), and that have their attached |
| devices Powered On. |
The text input box on the right allows you to key in a search condition so that only port names that match what you key in show up in the List. Wildcards (? and *) are acceptable, so that more than one port can show up in the list. For example, if you key in Rn*, both RnD 01 and RnD 02 show up in the list, as shown in the screenshot, below:
After you key in your string, either click the binoculars to the right of the box, or press [Enter].
To go back to the default view, erase the string and either click the binoculars to the right of the box, or press [Enter].
To dismiss the List function, click the arrow or press [F3].