All Settings 83
All Settings
The All Settings page combines all of the principal Video features onto a
single page, without any preview window, allowing quick access and
This page is useful when it is not necessary to preview the adjusted settings
because the effect is already known or understood.
Let the application control video adjustments
Enable this feature the to let the application determine the Video
Adjustments settings.
1From the Tree View pane, expand Video.
2Click All Settings.
3Scroll to Video Adjustments.
4Click to place a checkmark next to Let the application control the
video adjustments to enable it.
Adjust Gamma
Gamma controls the overall intensity of a video image.
1From the Tree View pane, expand Video.
2Click All Settings.
3Scroll to Video Adjustments.
4Adjust the Gamma control slider to the desired position.
Adjust Brightness
Brightness is the overall intensity, or luminosity of an image.
1From the Tree View pane, expand Video.
2Click All Settings.
3Scroll to Video Adjustments.
4Adjust the Brightness control slider to the desired position.
Adjust Contrast
Contrast is the difference between the brightest and darkest parts of an
1From the Tree View pane, expand Video.