C H A P T E R I - C O M P I L E R S , A S S E M B L E R S & D E B U G G E R S
Hitex Development Tools
Karlsruhe - Germany
Phone: +49-721-9628-0
Fax: +49-721-9628-149
e-mail: info@hitex.de
Hitex Development Tools
Irvine, CA 92612 - USA
Tel.: 800-45-HITEX
Phone: +1-949-863-0320
Fax: +1-949-863-0331
e-mail: info@hitex.com
Hitex Development Tools
GB-Coventry CV4 7EZ - UK
Phone: +44-24-7669-2066
Fax: +44-24-7669-2131
e-mail: info@hitex.co.uk
HiTOP is the universal user interface and IDE according to the latest industry standards and is applicable for all Hitex Development Tools, like Tantino and Tanto. This windows based software is the state-of-the-art user interface with the well-known touch&feel from other windows applications. HiTOP provides additional functionality like drag&drop of program symbols from the workspace window into the memory window to display the appropriate memory area. HiTOP includes support for the most popular compilers.
HiTOP allows complete high-level-language debugging and rapid access to all in-circuit emulator resources. Other features include flexible object file handling, a built-in command language and RTOS support. Integration with 3rd party tools like Tessy – the ultimate tool for automated testing of embedded software – is also supported.
•Supports ARM and Thumb instruction set
•Powerful and easy to use high level language debugging including source, watch, real time watch, HLL stack etc.
•Project management
•Built in multi file source editor
•Powerful script and protocol language