C H A P T E R V I - S O F T W A R E I P
KADAK Products Ltd.
Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y5
Phone: +11
Fax: +11
Great Western Microsystems
Berwyn House, Carrog
Denbighshire LL21 9AT - UK
Phone: (+44) 01490 430526
Fax: (+44) 01490 430241
31, rue Jean Rostand
Orsay Cedex, 91893 - France
Phone: (+33)1 69 33 12 50
Fax: (+33)1 69 85 54 26
The KwikNet TCP/IP Stack and its various options enable you, the embedded system developer, to add networking features to your products with a minimum of time and expense. The KwikNet product line gives you a compact, reliable, high performance TCP/IP stack built with KADAK’s characteristic simplicity, flexibility and reliability.
The KwikNet TCP/IP Stack includes support for: TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, ARP, RIP and DHCP client (IPv4 only). Optional components are available for Auto IP, DNS client, DHCP client (IPv4/v6), IPv6, SSL, IPsec, IKE, IGMP, NAT, PPP, FTP, TFTP, HTTP, TELNET, SMTP, POP3 and SNMP v1, v2, v3.
The KwikNet TCP/IP Stack includes data link layer network drivers for SLIP (with serial loopback and crossover drivers) and Ethernet (with an Ethernet loopback driver). An
KwikNet Configuration Manager
The KwikNet Configuration Manager is a Windows utility which ensures that KwikNet
is always properly configured for your use. The illustration shows the Manager’s edit window as it appears while configuring your KwikNet Libraries.
KwikNet for AMX
KwikNet for AMX is ready for use with KADAK’s AMX RTOS. When used with AMX, no KwikNet porting is required.
KwikNet Porting Kit
The KwikNet Porting Kit makes it easy for you to port KwikNet to the target processor of your choice. The kit permits KwikNet to be used with any
•Windows® based Configuration utility eases system construction
•IPv4/v6 Dual Stack, IPsec, IKE and SSL options are available
•Clear and comprehensive manuals
•No royalties; source code included
•Enviable track record for reliability and support