C H A P T E R I V - F L A S H P R O G R A M M E R S





System General Taiwan

5F, No. 9, Alley 6, Lane 45

Bao-Shing Road, Shin-Dian City,

Taipei Hsien - Taiwan

Phone: +886-2-2917-3005

Fax: +886-2-2911-1283

e-mail: info@sg.com.tw


System General USA

1623 South Main Street,

Milptas, CA 95035 - USA

Phone: (+1) 408-263-6667

Fax: (+1) 408-262-9220

e-mail: sales@systemgeneral.com

PowerLab Universal Programmer

T9600 Universal Programming System

The PowerLab was specifically designed as a low-cost universal programming solution for lab application. With few exceptions, the PowerLab provides an extensive list of silicon support including many of today’s cutting- edge parts. The PowerLab dramatically improves device-programming performance at this price point. Additionally, file download speed is improved with USB connectivity.

The PowerLab is constructed using surface- mount components. In so doing, its pin driver circuits are as close to the socket pins as possible. This physical proximity provides the best programming environment for sub-micron devices that demand clean signal waveforms.

Very few device programmer companies are ISO 9001 certified, and System General is extremely proud to be one of them. Your quality assurance of PowerLab starts at the design stage and continues throughout its lifetime. System General programmers follow our stringent requirements of 25% design margin and over-current protection.

Windows Interface

- Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP

Life-time Free S/W Updates

Industrial-grade Quality and ISO 9001 Vendor

AT91 related products

In 1998, System General was the first programmer company to pioneer High-Speed Programming (HSP) technology for Flash memories. HSP has set the standard for the rest of the industry. Evolving from proven HSP technology, the 9600 programmer supports virtually every type of technology currently available.

The model 9600 is available in two configurations. The T9600 table-top model is designed for manual programming, while the H9600 version performs handler interfacing.

On the T9600, engineers can use the Task Manager software to program the first article. The parameters used for the first article are then saved as a specific task file. Once the first article passes certification, the saved task file can bring up the same programming setup on the T9600 for manual programming, or on the H9600 using any System General automatic handler.

World’s fastest universal programmer

112 powerful universal pin drivers, expandable up to 448 pins

USB port for high-speed data transmission

Supports 1.2V VCC green devices

Multi-linkable for gang programming with pipelined throughput
