C H A P T E R V I - S O F T W A R E I P
Netbricks S.A.
20, rue Jean Rostand
91893 Orsay - France
Phone: (+33) (0)1 69 33 12 50
Fax: (+33) (0)1 69 85 54 26
Netbricks Middle East
PO Box 281
54101 Givat Shemuel - Israel
Phone: (+972) (0)9 743 9717
Fax: (+972) (0)9 743 9737
Netbricks Representative
Phone: (+1) 925 683 26 88
Fax: (+33) (0)1 69 85 54 26
Development Centre:
Netbricks is a leading developer and supplier of portable software compliant with protocol standards as published by the governing institutions around the world (ITU, ETSI, ANSI, IETF, 3GPP, ...).
Netbricks supplies its source code to over 350 major telecommunications equipment developers, networking manufacturers and OEMs. Netbricks software and hardware enable customers to achieve a low risk, fast
Today, Netbricks has validated solutions in software for the new emerging technologies in VoIP, VoDSL, Voice Gateway, Next generation networks (NGN), IMS, Signal processing for modem and voice...
With offices and representatives in France, USA and Israel and a network of carefully selected partners Netbricks has the ability to provide local support and professional services wherever your location.
•Support of modem modulations for data
•DTMF/Tone generation/detection
•Modem stack option:
AT commands, V.42/V.42bis and MNP4/MNP5
•ISDN signalling stack option through
•Fax over PSTN (T.30 with ECM) or over IP (T.38)
Netbricks S.A.
Allée de Beaumanoir
30, Avenue Malacrida
Phone: (+33) (0)4 42 91 44 70
Fax: (+33) (0)4 42 91 44 71