C H A P T E R V I - S O F T W A R E I P





Segger Microcontroller

Systeme GmbH

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 5

40721 Hilden - Germany

Phone: (+49) 2103-2878-0

Fax: (+49) 2103-2878-28

e-mail: info@segger.com


Segger Microcontroller

Systems LLC

9 Bartherick Road

Westminster, MA 01473 - USA

Phone: (+1) 978-874-0299

Fax: (+1) 978-874-0599

e-mail: shane@segger.com

emWin, probably the most efficient and comprehensive embedded GUI today, is written in ANSI “C”. It works on any 8-16- 32 bit Microcontroller and supports any b/w, grey-scale or colour display. Drivers for all common LCD controllers are available. All types of graphical displays are supported.

All required graphic routines are part of the software. A variety of fonts are shipped with the software. Additional fonts can easily be generated from PC fonts using the emWin Font Converter. Flicker-free animation with our without antialiasing as well as multiple layer/multiple displays are supported.

The window manager allows creation of windows of arbitrary size at any point of the display. Child windows and the exchange of messages between windows and their children/parents are supported.

Windows may be transparent or overlapping, and can be moved or resized at run time. A variety of widgets come with the window manager module.

A simulation environment is available that can be used to write and test the entire user interface on the PC. emWinView, a separate program, shows the contents of the simulated display even during debugging.

ANSI “C” source code, no C++ required

Bitmap converter and PC simulation included

Multi-lingual support available

Free PC Evaluation package available

Royalty free

Supports b/w, grayscale and color

2D graphic library and variety of fonts included
