C H A P T E R I - C O M P I L E R S , A S S E M B L E R S & D E B U G G E R S





Signum Systems Corp.

11992 Challenger Court

Moorpark, CA 93021 - USA


+1 (805) 523-9774


+1 (805) 523-9776


e-mail: sales@signum.com


e-mail: sales@signum.com

Chameleon Multi-Core Debugger

Chameleon Debugger works with JTAGjet- ARM emulation device to provide a consistent GUI interface to an embedded project at all stages of the development cycle.

Chameleon Debugger supports up to 256 homogeneous or heterogeneous CPUs in a single debugging environment. Information about all active CPUs is displayed on the same screen and is CPU context sensitive to make the debugging process faster and easier.

Chameleon is rich in the latest debugging features, such as fly-over variable watch, drag and drop variables, symbol browsing, complex variable implode/explode, script language for automatic testing, ETM set-up and trace windows, and more. Step-into, Step-out and Step-over modes are supported for both C and assembly levels. Our unique schematic like, graphical interface for complex events is quick, intuitive and incredibly easy to use.

With the Virtual I/O feature, all of the PC host file and I/O resources are available to the target for data saving, message printing and console I/O.

Chameleon Debugger may be used remotely over any TCP/IP network where target sharing is required.

Compilers Supported

ARM (ADS, AXD and RealView)


Green Hills Software (Multi-2000)


Keil (PKARM)

Mentor Graphics (XRAY, EDGE)

Metrowerks (CodeWarrior)

Microsoft (Platform Builder)

An Integrated Flash Programmer is included with Chameleon Debugger which programs dozens of CFI, non-CFI NOR and NAND devices. Production programming may be done by pressing a single button on the menu bar.

Supports all AT91 ARM devices

High-speed downloads > 1MByte/sec

Real-time trace support (ETM)

Multi-core device support

Integrated Flash programming
