2.11 Hot Plug and Hot Swap Functions for SATA / SATAII HDDs
This motherboard supports Hot Plug and Hot Swap functions for SATA / SATAII Devices in RAID / AHCI mode. AMD SB700 south bridge chipset provides hardware support for Advanced Host controller Interface (AHCI), a new programming interface for SATA host controllers developed thru a joint industry effort. AHCI also provides usability enhancements such as Hot Plug.
What is Hot Plug Function?
If the SATA / SATAII HDDs are NOT set for RAID configuration, it is called “Hot Plug” for the action to insert and remove the SATA / SATAII HDDs while the system is still
What is Hot Swap Function?
If SATA / SATAII HDDs are built as RAID 1 then it is called “Hot Swap” for the action to insert and remove the SATA / SATAII HDDs while the system is still
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