Chapter 8 User Authentication
The following SNMP commands are available.
In order to... | Use the following command... |
Enable SNMP access to the device | |
Disable SNMP access to the device | no |
Enable SNMPv1 access to the | |
device |
Disable SNMPv1 access to the | no |
device |
Configure the SNMPv3 engine ID | |
Return the SNMPv3 engine ID to its | no |
default |
Create an SNMPv3 user | |
Remove an SNMPv3 user | no |
Create an SNMPv3 group | |
Remove an SNMPv3 group | no |
Create a view or add or exclude | |
OIDs from a view |
Delete an SNMPv3 view | no |
Set a read/write/trap SNMPv1 | set snmp community |
community name |
Display a list of SNMPv3 views | show snmp view |
Display a table of SNMPv3 users | show snmp userToGroup |
and the groups with which they are |
mapped |
Display the SNMPv3 engine ID | show snmp engineID |
Display a list of SNMPv3 groups | show snmp group |
Display a list of SNMPv3 users | show snmp user |
Display a list of SNMPv3 | show snmp |
notification receivers and SNMPv1 |
trap receivers |
44 | Avaya |