Chapter 11 Avaya P330 Layer 2 Features
MAC Security CLI Commands
The following table contains a list of the CLI commands for the MAC Security feature. The rules of syntax and output examples are all set out in detail in the P330 Reference Guide.
In order to... | Use the following command... |
Enable/Disable MAC security for | set security mode |
the switch |
Display the MAC security mode for | show security mode |
the switch |
Enable/Disable MAC security for a | set port security |
specific port |
Display the MAC security mode for | show port security |
a port |
Specify the action taken when there | set security violation action |
is a security violation |
Add a MAC address to a port’s list | set secure mac |
of allowed MAC addresses |
Remove a MAC address from a | clear secure mac |
port’s list of allowed MAC addresses |
Display a port’s list of allowed MAC | show secure mac |
addresses |
96 | Avaya |