Chapter 3: Basic Operations




To reset the mouse values:

1.From the Administrator Channel List, press the Control key twice to access the Command menu.

2.Highlight either Reset PS/2 Standard Mse/Kbd or Reset PS/2 Wheel Mse/Kbd, depending on the type of mouse you are using.

3.Press Enter to activate the reset.

Displaying Version Information

Use the Version screen to display the system firmware. This information facilitates system troubleshooting and support. For optimum performance, keep your firmware current.

To display version information:

1.From the Administrator Channel List, press the Control key twice to access the Command menu.

2.Highlight Version Information and press Enter. The Version screen appears.

Keyboard Switching

One of the ways to change the active channel in a non-secured AutoView 424 system is by entering a short sequence of keystrokes on the keyboard. This is called keyboard, hotkey or soft switching. In addition, there are a variety of commands that can be activated via the keyboard without having to access the OSD. The following procedures and tables describe your options.

NOTE: Hotkey switching is only available in the default non-secure state. For more information on secure versus non-secure operation, see the Setting User Station Security section of this chapter.

Using the Command Mode

The first set of keystrokes places your system in Command Mode. A gray window with a command line will appear. As long as you are operating in Command Mode, whatever you type will be interpreted as channel switch commands until the Enter or the Escape key is pressed to terminate Command Mode. None of the keystrokes entered will be forwarded to the attached computer until you exit Command Mode.