Step 2: To prevent losing prime to your pool pump, all air must be removed from the hoses and the Zodiac 1500™ head before connecting them to your system.
Hold one end of the hose over the return inlet until a full stream of water flows from the other end.
Your hose is now free of air. Please ensure that the hose ends are kept under water while performing the following steps.
This will prevent air from entering your system.
Step 3: Keep both hose ends underwater and completely submerge the Zodiac 1500 head. When the bubbles have stopped flowing from the head, connect the female end of the hose to the Zodiac 1500.
Step 4: Cover the other end of the hose (with the hose connector) tightly with your hand. Move to the skimmer and connect the hose end to the fitting combination selected in Step 1. Now you are ready to insert the end of the assembly into the suction port of the skimmer.
Your assembly is now complete – enjoy!