Baxi Potterton Gold FSB 30 HE manual Site Requirements, Location, Compartment

Models: Gold FSB 30 HE

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Zone 2



Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 0

0.6 m



Zone 2

Fig. A

In GB Only






Window Recess



Zone 2

Outside Zones



Zone 1

Zone 2

2.25 m


Zone 0




0.6 m


Fig. B

In GB Only

7.0Site Requirements


NOTE: Due to the high efficiency of the boiler a plume of water vapour will be discharged from the flue. This should be taken into account when siting the flue terminal.

1.The boiler must be fitted on a suitable flat and level surface capable of supporting the weight. Any wall behind the boiler must be at 90° to the floor to allow case top cover to fit correctly.

2.The flue must pass through an outside wall or roof and discharge to atmosphere in a position permitting satisfactory removal of combustion products and providing an adequate air supply.

3.The boiler should be fitted within the building unless otherwise protected by a suitable enclosure i.e. garage or outhouse.

4.The boiler incorporates a frost protection device. This will only protect the boiler. To ensure protection of the system pipework and components it is recommended to incorporate an appropriate device within the system controls.

5.If the boiler is fitted in a room containing a bath or shower, it can only be fitted in Zone 3, (Figs. A & B shows zone dimensions for a bathtub. For other examples refer to the Current I.E.E. Wiring Regulations). Reference must be made to the relevant requirements:- In GB this is the current I.E.E. Wiring Regulations and Building Regulations.

In IE reference should be made to the current edition of I.S. 813 “Domestic Gas Installations” and the current ETCI rules.

6.If the boiler is to be fitted into a building of timber frame construction then reference must be made to the current edition of Institute of Gas Engineers Publication IGE/UP/7 (Gas Installations in Timber Framed Housing).


1.Where the boiler is installed in a cupboard or compartment, no air vents are required for cooling purposes providing that the minimum dimensions below are maintained.




2.Any compartment should be large enough to house the boiler only.

© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2011


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Baxi Potterton Gold FSB 30 HE manual Site Requirements, Location, Compartment