What You See

What It Means

What You Do

Control Test

• Control solution is past

Run another control test.

result is out

expiration date or is past

If still out of range, retest

of range (too

the 6-month open use-

with a new 10-test disc and

high or too

life date.

control solution with an


10-test disc is past

acceptable expiration date




expiration date.

and open use-life date. If




• Deteriorated test strip

still out of range, contact




due to heat or exposure

the Bayer Diabetes




to moisture.

Helpline (see pg. 45).




• Control solution not at





room temperature.





• Not enough control





solution drawn into test












Meter shows

Your meter may be dirty.

Clean meter (see pg. 27). If

dashes before


you continue to experience

blood is applied.


difficulty, contact the Bayer





Diabetes Helpline (see





pg. 45).






Some display

This may affect the way

If there is a difference in

segments do not

you see your results.

your meter’s display and

appear to be


the one shown on page v,

working when


contact the Bayer Diabetes

the meter


Helpline (see pg. 45).

handle is all the



way out.











Invalid test result.

Discard strip and retest.