Fig. 3.5: Routing
The level to the subgroup and main mix buses is ultimately determined by the channel faders. These are designed to give a smooth logarithmic taper of a type more usually associated with the name of some pretty expensive brand ... The low level performance particularly is far smoother than that of a normal “budget” fader.
The MUTE button (S27), like that for SOLO has an LED indicator (L27) and removes the A-channel signal from all buses, save any auxes set to pre fader. It is ergonomically placed immediately above the fader and engaging MUTE is equivalent to setting a fader level of minus infinity.
3.7 B-channel
The B-channel (fig 3.6) comprises a secondary channel with its own high and low EQ, pan and level (P18, P19, P20 and P21). The EQ is a replica of the A-channel shelving EQ. The B-channel ALWAYS feeds into the MIX- B stereo bus, but its source can be switched between TAPE, LINE, MIC and A-CHANNEL, depending on how S1, S3 and S23 are set (see fig. 3.2 and section 3.2). Unusually for an 8-bus console, B-channels also have