Black & Decker FP2500B manual ARUGULA PESTO 2 cups packed fresh arugula leaves

Models: FP2500B

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2 cups packed fresh arugula leaves

1 cup packed basil leaves

½cup packed Italian parsley leaves

½cup grated Parmesan cheese

½cup pine nuts (pignoli)

2 large cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon grated lemon peel ¾ cup olive oil

Place all ingredients, except oil in large bowl Black & Decker® Food Processor fitted with cutting blade. Cover and process on HIGH until smooth, about 1 minute. Stop occasionally to scrape down sides of bowl. Remove pusher from feed chute and drizzle oil in an even stream into processor. Continue to process until mixture is smooth.

Makes about 1½ cups.

Note: If desired, substitute 2 cups packed baby spinach leaves for arugula.


1 cup unsifted all-purpose flour ½ tsp. salt

¼ cup shortening

2 tbsp. cold butter or margarine, cut into small pieces 2 to 4 tbsp. ice water

Position metal blade in large workbowl bowl of Black & Decker® Food Processor. Add flour, salt, shortening and butter. PULSE 3 or 4 times, for about 3 to 4 seconds each, until mixture is crumbly.

With processor running, drizzle in just enough water through the small feed chute until mixture pulls away from sides of bowl and forms a loose ball.

Remove workbowl from processor; remove blade. Turn dough out onto lightly floured work surface. Gently shape dough into ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes. (If storing longer, allow dough to rest on work surface for 15 minutes before rolling out.) Roll out to a circle 2 inches larger than the inverted pie plate to be used.

Transfer pastry to pie plate. To bake empty, pierce generously with fork. Bake at 425˚F (218˚C) until golden, about 12 minutes.

Makes one, 9-inch (23 cm) pie crust.











Food is unevenly

Workbowl is overfilled.

Smaller amounts will



You may be running the

process more evenly.



bowl continuously in-

Use the PULSE button in



stead of on PULSE. Food

5-second or less incre-



may be cut in random

ments. Allow the blades




to stop completely before




pressing the PULSE but-




ton again. Cut food in




same size pieces before




placing in processor.






Liquid leaks from the

Too much liquid in the

Process smaller


bottom of the work-


amounts. When pro-




cessing liquids, do not




add more than 3 cups to




workbowl. Do not re-




move the blade before




removing workbowl from




processor when process-




ing liquids.






Sliced foods are un-

The feed chute has not

Cut pieces in even


even and slanted.

been well packed or

lengths, just a little



uneven pressure has

shorter than the length of



been applied to the food

the feed chute. Pack the



pusher during process-

chute carefully and main-




tain even pressure on the




food pusher as the food is




being processed.






Foods being sliced or

This is normal.

Stop processing oc-


shredded fill up on


casionally and either


one side of the bowl.


even out the food in the




workbowl or move it to




another bowl. When food




accumulates close to the




disc, empty the workbowl




before continuing.








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Black & Decker FP2500B manual ARUGULA PESTO 2 cups packed fresh arugula leaves