Black Box KV1500A manual User Configuration

Models: KV1500A

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CHAPTER 6: Administrator Functions

Default Login Name Blank: Determines whether the User Name field in the Login Menu (see Section 5.1) will be blank when the menu appears or will contain the default user name (the first available “userxy” name, where “xy” is a two-digit number with leading zeroes—“user01,” “user02,” and so on). Use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between “Yes” (the field is blank, the default) and “No” (field contains the user name).

6.3 User Configuration

Administrators can use the User Configuration Menu (shown in Figures 6-3 and 6-4) to add, delete, and edit user names and security rights, and to display the current connection status for each user.

Use the arrow keys, [Tab], [Shift] + [Tab], [PgUp] (page up), [PgDn] (page down), [Home], and [End] to move within this menu and its submenus. Press [Enter] to edit a highlighted field; it will turn green. When you finish editing a field, either press [Enter] to save the changes or press [Esc] to abort them.

This menu displays one user’s information in each row. Here’s what the fields and columns in the “left end” of this menu (see Figure 6-3) mean:

User: Your user name. This field can’t be edited.

Name: The user names assigned to all user accounts. Except for the special

user name “admin,” these user names can be edited: You can type in new names up to eight alphanumeric characters long (not case-sensitive).

Group: The ID numbers of the security groups that users are assigned to (see Appendix A).

Adm: Indicates whether any given user has administrator privileges. You can use the up- and down-arrow keys to toggle between “Yes” and “No” (the default setting).

You can press [Tab] or the right-arrow key to move to the “right end” of this menu (see Figure 6-4) and display users’ connection information: The Connection column displays which channel (if any) each active user is currently connected to.

You can also perform three other functions at this menu:

You can add a new user by pressing the [Insert] key. A new default user name will be added to the existing list (for example, if users “user01” through “user25” already exist and you add a new one, its default name will be “user26”); you can then edit the name as desired. The maximum number of users is 127; the default names of users added after “user99” will contain three digits.

You can delete a user by moving the highlight to a user name and pressing [Delete]. You’ll be asked for confirmation; if you respond “Y”, that user account will be deleted from the system.


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Black Box KV1500A manual User Configuration