Address Book
122 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Fax: Type your contact’s fax number. This field accepts numbers, parentheses, and
the x, –, +, *, #, and . characters, which can be typed without pressing the Alt key.
PIN: Type the personal identification number of your contact’s handheld. This
field accepts numbers which can be typed without pressing the Alt key. You can
also type hexadecimal characters in the PIN field.
Address 1: Type your contact’s street address. This field accepts letters, numbers,
and symbols.
Address 2: Type any further information for the address. This second address
field is provided for long addresses. This field accepts letters, numbers, and
City: Type your contact’s city. This field accepts letters, numbers, and symbols.
State/Prov: Type your contact’s state or province. This field accepts letters,
numbers, and symbols.
ZIP/Postal Code: Type your contact’s ZIP code or postal code. This field accepts
letters and numbers. You must press the Alt key to type numbers in this field.
Country: Type your contact’s country. This field accepts letters, numbers, and
User 1, User 2, User 3, User 4: Customize these fields to type special information
for each contact. Refer to "Changing user-defined field names" on page 123 for
more information on customizing these fields.
Notes: Type any additional information that you want to keep about your contact.
This field accepts letters, numbers, and symbols. Press the Enter key to move to a
new line.
Adding pauses and waits to phone numbersYou can add pauses and waits in the Work, Home, Mobile, and Pager fields to
insert additional numbers (such as extensions or passwords) to the phone
number. When you place a phone call, you do not need to type the additional
numbers. You are prompted to type the remaining numbers (for a wait) or your
handheld enters the remaining numbers after two seconds (for a pause).
Note: Depending on your service provider’s plan, the Phone application might not be
available on your handheld. Contact your service provider or network operator for more
information on available services.