174 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Options. The Browser
Options screen appears.
3. Click General Properties. The General Properties screen appears.
4. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click the cache you want to clear.
The web pages that you previously viewed are deleted from that cache. Select
from Clear Content Cache, Clear Page Cache, Clear Raw Data Cache, Clear
Cookie Cache, or Clear Channel Cache.
Using the Find feature
Your handheld’s Find feature locates specific words and numbers within web
To use the Find feature on a web page1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Go to the web page on which you want to find a specific word or number.
3. Scroll to the top of the web page. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and
then click Find. The Search for dialog box appears.
4. Type a word or number that you want to locate on the web page and click the
trackwheel. The cursor moves to the first occurrence of the word or number
that you specify.
5. After you locate a specific word or number, you can search for that word or
number again. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Find
The next occurrence of the word or number that you typed is selected.
Tip: The handheld Find feature only locates a word or number that appears at or
following your cursor. To search the entire web page, place your cursor at the top of the
web page.
Note: If the word or number is not found, the Not found dialog box appears.