Using bookmarks
Handheld User Guide 177
2. Open a web page that you want to add to your Browser Bookmarks folder,
click the trackwheel to view the menu and click Add Bookmark. The Add
Bookmark dialog box appears.
Adding a bookmark - Add Bookmark dialog box
3. In the Title field, the title of your bookmark appears. If you want to change
the title, press the Backspace key to delete it and type a new one.
4. If you want to view thi s web page when you are not connected to the wireless
network, press the Space key to select the Make Available Offline check box.
5. After you make changes, click Add. The web page address is added to your
bookmarks folder.
You return to the web page that you were viewing.
To ed it boo km ark s1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Bookmarks. Your list
of saved bookmarks appears.
Note: By default, the Create in field is set to the Browser folder for the browser you are
currently using and all bookmarks are saved in that folder. Refer to "Using bookmark
subfolders" on page 180 for more information on saving your bookmarks in a different
Note: If you make the web page available offline, you can open the bookmark when
your handheld’s radio is turned off or when you are out of a wireless coverage area.
When you view a web page offline, the information might not be current. The web page
displays the information that was current when you saved the bookmark.