Bosch Appliances HBN 13M5.O manual

Models: HBN 13M5.O

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Cleaning the catalytic

The rear wall and the top of the oven are coated

surfaces of the oven

with self-cleaning enamel. The surfaces clean


themselves while the oven is in operation. Large


splashes may only disappear after the oven has


been used several times.


Never use oven cleaner on self-cleaning surfaces.


If the self-cleaning surfaces of the oven are no


longer cleaning themselves sufficiently, they can be


regenerated using the cleaning function.


Should the enamel become slightly stained, this will


not affect its self-cleaning properties.

Cleaning the oven floor


and the side walls

Use hot soapy water or a vinegar solution.


It is best to use oven cleaner if the oven is very dirty.


Only use oven cleaner in a cold oven.


Never use oven cleaner on the self-cleaning surfaces


of the oven.




Enamel is baked on at very high temperatures. This


can cause some slight colour variation. This is


normal and does not affect the function. Do not use


coarse scouring pads or strong cleaning agents to


remove such discolorations.


The edges of thin trays cannot be completely


enamelled. As a result, these edges can be rough.


Anti-corrosion protection is guaranteed.

Cleaning the glass cover

It is best to clean the glass cover with washing-up

for the oven light



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Bosch Appliances HBN 13M5.O manual