Bosch Appliances MUM 4750 UC manual Figure

Models: MUM 4750 UC

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If the blade assembly

is too tight to turn by ha

the locking ring may be used to loosen the blad

assembly￿ as shown in

figure 7d￿ After loosening￿

turn the blade assembly counterclockwise until it

stops and then

lift up￿

The gasket may be remo


cleaning￿ as


in figure 7f￿

Wash the blade/base assembly under running wa/ ter￿ Do not place the blade/base assembly in the dishwasher or allow it to stand in water￿ This w tend to wash out the lubricant￿ After cleaning￿ rin thoroughly and dry before using￿

2.To assemble or reassemble blade/base assembly into the blender￿ reverse the steps that were use in.the.above to remove it￿

3.The blender is used in mode 3￿ see table 1￿ To￿place the blender on the power unit the arm must be rotated to the down position￿ Depress t release button￿ see 4a￿ and lower the arm so th the arm is vertical and the high/speed drive is straight up￿ If you have not already done so￿ re move the motor drive cover from the high/speed drive and place the blender on the high/speed d and turn counterclockwise to lock the blender in place￿


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Bosch Appliances MUM 4750 UC manual Figure