MPEG – a type of data compression used for audio or video storage on disc.
MP3 –
NTSC – An acronym for National Television System Committee. The organization that devel- oped both the American Black & White and Color television system.
PAL – An acronym for Phase Alternate Line. This is one of several composite video systems. The PAL format is used extensively in Western Europe.
PCM – An uncompressed, digitally coded representation of an analog signal. This is the form of the digital audio signal used for both CD and laserdisc. It is a serial data stream that is coded for transmission or recording. PCM is also used for many other types of serial data communications.
Title – numbered elements of the DVD contents, which may include more than the movie alone.
Track – Individual selections recorded on an audio tape or disc.
For your records
Serial numbers are located on the bottom of the media center and the rear of the Acoustimass® module. Please have your serial number ready before contacting Bose® customer service.
Media center serial number: _________________________________________________________
Acoustimass module serial number: __________________________________________________
Dealer name: ______________________________________________________________________
Dealer phone: __________________________ Purchase date: _____________________________
We suggest you keep your sales receipt and product registration together with this owner’s guide.
AM271966_00_V.pdf August 18, 2003