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1Je·li sprz∆t jest uÃywany w kraju zakupu, powiniene· skontaktowaπ si∆ z autoryzowanym dealerem, u którego sprz∆t zosta¡ zakupiony.

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1x Speakon插头

2 x 座地托架

4 x M6螺钉

2 x 泡沫塞

2 x 屏板密封垫

1x 面板密封垫

1x 5mm艾伦内六角扳手


CT8.2扬声器主要应用于家庭影院的前及中央声道。用于中央声道时,扬声器可按标 准垂直(纵向)方式放置,或以平放(横向)方式放置,可透过对换高/中音驱动模块与上部 低音驱动模块位置来进行改装。有关改装CT8.2作横向的中央声道的方法见本手册后 面的章节。

CT8.2可安装在地板上或融入订制的家具中。提供的座地托架可固定扬声器,当扬声器 竖立在地板、架子或其它平面上时,座地托架可防止它向前倾倒。座地托架可透过M6 螺纹孔连接至CT8.2的背部。使用提供的M6螺钉把座地托架牢固地安装到扬声器的背 板。托架固定后应使它的平面部分安放在地上。可透过长圆孔把托架连接到支撑面。 必要时,请使用合适的螺钉及栓塞。图1说明了座地托架的使用方法。

不管采用那种安装方法,提起扬声器时需特别小心。扬声器本身较重,最好由两人一 起安装。如对墙壁、地板、家具和/或其它设备造成的损坏,B&W恕不负上责任。


CT8.2扬声器用作为家庭影院系统的前声道时,应放置在地上或嵌入家具内,于屏幕 两侧各放一只。它们应位于屏幕两侧约0.5(20英寸)内的位置,以便使声音和图像保 持同步。见图2

CT8.2扬声器用作为家庭影院系统的中央声道时,应平放在屏幕上方或下方的正中位 置。如果是透声屏幕,中置扬声器应该位于屏幕中心的背后。在这种情况下,可使用 标准垂直配置的CT8.2。见图2


CT8.2可重新配置成平放(横向)模式的中置扬声器,透过对换上部低音驱动模块与高/中 音驱动模块位置。该中/高音驱动模块同时须旋转90度角。重新配置的步骤如下,并附 图加以说明。

你需要一个M5及一个M4六角形螺丝刀及足够空间,以便把扬声器躺下并进行改装。建 议由两人一起进行。整个过程需加倍小心。扬声器的驱动单元是精密细致的部件,如 操作不当可导致损坏。因此建议在整个过程中都使用高音单元保护盖。


把扬声器竖立起来,将机箱内固定高/中音驱动模块的四根M5螺钉松开及卸下。当卸 下最后一根螺钉时,请谨记用手托着驱动模块以免摔落。把螺钉、垫圈和垫片放在一 边。


当手拿开时,该模块可能会向前松落,这时可小心翼翼地把它从机箱取出;否则, 需要将机箱轻轻向前倾斜,使模块松开以便取出。倾斜机箱时,其中一只手须托着模 块。


当高/中音驱动模块从机箱中取出时,它的接线会显露出来。必须断开位于接线中间的 连接器。让助手托着驱动模块,握着连接器的两边并且拔开。


一旦断开高/中音驱动模块时,便可把它完全从机箱取出并放在一边。模块后面的填塞 物也应取出及放在一边。应取出并丢弃高/中音驱动模块的密封垫。


现在应把扬声器轻轻躺下,以便取出上部低音驱动模块。卸下机箱内固定低音驱动模 块的四根M5螺钉,把螺钉及垫圈放在一边。


从后推出低音驱动模块。为了接触该模块的背部,必须移走位于高/中音驱动模块后面 机箱上的活动板。松开及卸下固定该板的八根M4螺钉并透过孔放下。取出并丢弃密封 垫。将螺钉放在一边。用手穿过该孔接触低音驱动模块的背部,并小心地往上推。


一旦低音驱动模块从机箱内轻微地向上移动时,便可把它移开。看到有色接线的方向 后,将接线从连接头拉下以断开驱动器。将低音驱动模块放在一边。模块后面的填塞 物也应取出及放在一边。应取出并丢弃低音驱动模块的密封垫。


现在可把低音驱动模块和高/中音模块的接线分别对换到各自的新位置。把高/中音模块 接线,包括所连系的内部板,穿过机箱放进低音驱动模块空出来的区域。把低音驱动 模块的接线放入机箱内高/中音驱动模块空出来的区域。


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Bowers & Wilkins CT8.2 LCR owner manual 简体中文, Jak reklamowaπ sprz∆t na gwarancji

CT8.2 LCR specifications

The Bowers & Wilkins CT8.2 LCR is a high-performance loudspeaker designed for home theater and music listening environments. Known for its versatility and exceptional sound quality, this speaker integrates seamlessly into various systems, making it an ideal choice for audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

One of the standout features of the CT8.2 LCR is its unique design, which allows for positioning both vertically and horizontally. This flexibility enables it to be used as a center channel speaker, front left or right speaker, or even as a surround speaker, catering to diverse room layouts. The speaker's sleek and discrete aesthetic ensures it blends well with modern home decor, enhancing both sound and style.

At the heart of the CT8.2 LCR are advanced driver technologies that contribute to its remarkable audio performance. The speaker employs a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter, known for its clarity and precision in reproducing high frequencies. This is complemented by dual 5-inch woven composite cones, which deliver a rich and dynamic midrange and bass response. This combination ensures a broad frequency range, delivering nuances in both music and movie soundtracks.

The CT8.2 LCR is engineered using Bowers & Wilkins' proprietary technologies, including its Flowport design, which helps to minimize turbulence and distortion while enhancing bass output. This technology allows for deeper bass without compromising clarity, making it suitable for a wide variety of genres, from orchestral music to blockbuster action films.

In terms of build quality, the CT8.2 LCR makes use of high-grade materials, ensuring durability while maintaining audio fidelity. The speaker features a robust cabinet construction that reduces resonance, meaning unwanted vibrations do not interfere with audio performance. Additionally, the speaker's magnetic grill system provides an elegant finish that can be easily removed for a more aesthetic look.

The Bowers & Wilkins CT8.2 LCR speaker is not just about advanced technology and quality materials; it also offers user-friendly features. Its adjustable mounting system allows for easy installation, whether on a wall or on dedicated speaker stands. This aspect is particularly important for home theater enthusiasts looking to create the perfect soundstage.

Overall, the Bowers & Wilkins CT8.2 LCR stands out as a versatile and high-fidelity loudspeaker. With its combination of sophisticated technologies, elegant design, and superior build quality, it delivers an immersive audio experience that suits any listening environment. Whether used for music or movies, it is sure to please even the most discerning audiophile.