Se deben utilizar únicamente productos químicos de proceso comprobados y autorizados (p. ej., autorizados por VAH/DGHM o la FDA, o con marcado CE), y recomendados por el fabricante en cuanto a su compatibilidad con el material. Deben cumplirse estrictamente todas las indicaciones de uso del fabricante del producto químico, como p. ej., las referentes a temperaturas, concentraciones o tiempos de actuación. De lo contrario, pueden surgir los siguientes problemas:

Alteraciones ópticas del material, como decoloración o cambio de color en el caso del aluminio. Aparición de alteraciones visibles en las superficies de aluminio a partir de valores pH >8 en la solución de trabajo.

Daños en el material como corrosión, grietas, roturas, envejecimiento prematuro o hinchamiento.

¾No utilizar ningún producto químico de proceso que pueda provocar fisuras por tensión en plásticos, p. ej. PPSU, o que pueda atacar a plastificantes, p. ej. silicona, y provocar fragilización.

5.2 Limpieza/Desinfección

Peligro de dañar el producto debido al uso de desinfectantes/agentes de limpieza no adecuados y/o a temperaturas demasiado elevadas.

ATENCIÓN ¾ Utilizar únicamente desinfectantes/agentes de limpieza según las instrucciones del fabricante que:

-sean aptos para su utilización en plásticos y acero inoxidable.

-no ataquen a plastificantes (p. ej., silicona).

¾Respetar los valores de concentración, temperatura y tiempo de actuación.


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Braun 9-Jul manual Limpieza/Desinfección

9-Jul specifications

The Braun 9-Jul is a remarkable electric shaver designed for those who seek a premium grooming experience. Known for its innovative technology and user-friendly design, it offers exceptional performance that meets the needs of all types of skin and hair.

One of the standout features of the Braun 9-Jul is its advanced shaving system, which combines multiple cutting elements for a close and efficient shave. The shaver is equipped with a specialized foil that captures and cuts hair with precision, moving effortlessly across the contours of the face. The unique design allows it to adapt to various facial shapes, ensuring a comfortable and effective shave every time.

A key technology incorporated into the Braun 9-Jul is the intelligent Sonic technology, which generates micro-vibrations to help lift hair for an even closer cut. This feature not only enhances the shaving performance but also reduces the amount of pressure needed on the skin, minimizing the risk of irritation or nicks. The shaver operates with powerful yet quiet motors, ensuring a smooth experience without excessive noise.

For those with sensitive skin, the Braun 9-Jul includes a built-in skin guard that ensures protection while shaving. This protective layer helps to prevent irritation and allows the user to enjoy a comfortable grooming experience, making it suitable for everyday use. Moreover, the shaver's flexible head pivots in multiple directions, greatly enhancing its capability to tackle difficult areas around the chin, neck, and jawline.

Another significant characteristic of the Braun 9-Jul is its easy maintenance. The shaver comes with a Clean & Charge station that automatically cleans, lubricates, and charges the device with a touch of a button. This not only prolongs the lifespan of the shaver but also ensures optimal hygiene after each use.

The Braun 9-Jul is designed for versatility with a variety of settings, including a precision trimmer for sideburns and mustaches, making it an all-in-one grooming tool. Its ergonomic design and lightweight body make it easy to maneuver, providing a comfortable grip during use.

Combining cutting-edge technology, exceptional design, and user-friendly features, the Braun 9-Jul stands out in the realm of personal grooming. Whether for a quick shave or precise styling, this electric shaver promises an unparalleled experience that caters to the diverse needs of modern users.