Lift Components
Refer to the Lift Terminology Illustration on page 2.
Lift Frame (Base Plate and Upright Assembly): The main lift frame consists of the base plate weldment (with two gus- sets), two
Bridge Plate: The bridge plate assembly consists of the striker back and the bridge plate flap.
The independent hinged bridge
Lift Terminology
plate flap bridges the gap be- tween the lift platform and the vehicle floor when the platform is positioned at floor level.
The bridge plate travels from the stowed position to the bridging (horizontal) position as the lift platform unfolds and vice versa. Photos and further details regard- ing operation of the bridge plate are provided in the
Whales: L200UARS Series lifts are equipped with two folding whales. The jaws of the whales engage the platform pickup bearings to fold and unfold the platform (one bearing located on each side of the platform). The rod end (bottom) of the electric fold actuator is mounted to the left
(rear) whale to power the fold and unfold functions. The right side (front) whale and bearing keep the lift in alignment (unison).
Horseshoe: The lift horseshoe is the
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