Programmable Function
This espresso machine offers a convenient choice between the Manual Operation or the intelligent Programmable Function that can be personalised with the user’s favourite espresso setting.
Espresso Pressure Gauge
The espresso pressure gauge assists in obtaining the most favourable extraction pressure, guiding the user to create their ideal espresso. This is achieved by measuring the pressure at which the water is being forced through the ground coffee in the fi lter holder.
White Zone - Ideal Espresso
The gauge needle when positioned within the recommended White Zone during pouring indicates that the espresso will be produced at the ideal pressure. The brewed espresso should have a generous layer of fi ne textured and evenly coloured golden crèma.
Green Zone - Under Extracted
The gauge needle when positioned within the Green Zone during pouring indicates that the espresso will be produced with insuffi cient pressure resulting in an ‘under extracted’ espresso. This occurs when the water fl ow through the ground coffee in the fi lter is too fast. As a result the optimal fl avour will not be extracted and the coffee will be watery and lack thick créma on the top. Possible other causes for under extraction are: coffee grind is too coarse and/or insuffi cient coffee in fi lter and/or under tamping.
Red Zone - Over Extracted
The gauge needle when positioned within the Red Zone during pouring will indicate that the espresso will be produced with too much pressure resulting in an ‘over extracted’ espresso. This occurs when the water fl ow through the ground coffee in the fi lter is too slow. As a result the coffee will be very dark and bitter, with a mottled and uneven créma on top. Possible other causes for over extraction are: ground coffee is too fi ne and/or too much ground coffee in fi lter and/or over tamping.
Hot Water Wand
The dedicated hot water wand is ideal for making your favourite hot drinks. For convenient use the wand has a commercial style 360° ball joint.
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