The best results will be obtained if you juice really fresh produce, as foods which have been stored for any length of time will have dried out.
If you prepare the fruits and vegetables in advance and place the cut pieces in a dish, it will speed the juicing process.
•As a general guideline, you do not need to peel any fruits and vegetables whose skin you would normally eat. However, we do recommend washing all produce before it is juiced, as the majority of commercially grown fruits and vegetables are sprayed with fertilisers and insecticides.
Certified organic vegetables are guaranteed not to contain chemical residues, but should still be washed, as they may have been handled prior to sale.
•Always trim off any blemishes.
•Scrub carrots etc. with a brush to remove any dirt.
•Remove skin from thick skinned fruits, such as melon and pineapple.
•Remove the stones from cherries, peaches, nectarines etc.
•Fruit containing small seeds, such as apples, need not be cored.
•Cut the produce into pieces that will fit easily into the feed tube. Never attempt to force large items. Do not cut pieces smaller than necessary.
•Leafy herbs and vegetables should be rolled tightly.
NOTE: Ensure that the Juice Collecting Jug is placed beneath the juice outlet before you start juicing.
Ensure the appliance is fully assembled and the power switch is set to the Off position, insert the plug into a suitable mains socket.
Make sure the appliance is seated on a secure, level surface.
Placing the appliance on a smooth surface will ensure that the suction feet hold the appliance securely when in use.
Make sure the Extractor Filter is thoroughlt cleaned before each use (refer to the ‘Care and Cleaning’ section).
JE16_New.pmd | 8 | 3/24/2006, 4:17 PM |