Operator Safety
Slope Operation
Slope Operation
You could be seriously injured or even killed if you use this unit on too steep an incline. Using the unit on a slope that is too steep or where you don’t have adequateYou couldtractionbe seriouslycan causeinjuredyou toorloseevencontrolkilledorif rollyouoveruse.this unit on too
steep an incline. Using the unit on a slope that is too steep or where you
A gooddon’trulehaveof thumbadequateis totractionnot operatec n causeon anyyouslopeto loseyou cannoto tr l backor rollupover(in.
drive up and down slopes: never cross the face.
Also note that the surface you are driving on can greatly impact stability and Also note that the surface you are driving on can greatly impact stability control. Wet grass or icy pavement can seriously affect your ability to control
and control. Wet grass or icy pavement can seriously affect your ability the unit.
to control the unit.
If youIf feelyou unsurefeel unsureaboutaboutoperatingoperatingthe unitthe onunitanonincline,an incline,don’tdon’tdo it.doIt’sitnot. It’s worthnottheworthrisk. the risk.
Moving Parts
Moving Parts
This equipment has many moving parts that can injure you or someone else. However, if youThisarequipmentseated inhasthe manyseat properly,moving partsand followthat callntheinjurerulesyouinorthisomeonebook, thelseunit. Howis - safever,to operateif you are. seated in the seat properly, and follow all the rules in this book, the
unit is safe to operate.
The mower deck has spinning mower blades that can amputate hands and feet. Do
The mower deck has spinning mower blades that can amputate hands and feet.
not allow anyone near the equipment while it is running!
Do not allow anyone near the equipment while it is running!
To Tohelphelpyou,you,thetheoperator,operator,useusethisthisequipmentequipmentsafely,safely,it isit equippedis equippedwithwithananoperatoroperator- presentpresentsafetysafetysystemsystem. Do. DoNOTNOTattemptattemptto alterto alteror bypassor bypassthethesystemsystem. See. Seeyouryourdealer
immediatelyd aler immediatelyif the systemif thedoessystemnot passdoesallnotthepasssafetyall theinterlocksafetysysteminterlocktestssystemfound in
thistestsmanualfound. in this manual.
and MaintenanceReproduction
| Thrown Objects |
| Thrown Objects |
This unit has spinning mower blades. These blades can pick up and throw debris | |
This unit has spinni g mower bla s These blades can pick up nd throw debris | |
that forcould seriously injure a bystander. Be sure to clean up the area to be mowed | |
that could seriously injure a bystander. Be sure to clean up the area to be | |
BEFORE you start mowing. | |
mowed BEFORE you start mowing. | |
Do not operate this unit without the entire grass catcher or discharge guard (de- | |
Do not operate this unit without the entire grass catcher or discharge guard (deflec- | |
flector) in place. | |
tor) in place. | |
Also, do not allow anyone in the area while the unit is running! If someone does | |
NotAlso, do not allow anyone in the area while the unit is running! If someone does enter | |
enter the area, shut the unit off immediately until they leave. | |
the area, shut the unit off immediately until they leave. | |
Fuel and Mai | ance |
GasolineGasolineis extremelyis extr meflammabley flammable. Its. vaporsIts vapoares alsore alsoextremelyxtremelyflammableflammableandandcan travelcantotraveldistantto distantignitionignitionsourcessources. Gasoline. Gasolinemust onlymustbe onlyusedbeasuseda fuel,asnota fuel,as anotsol- ventasora cleanersolvent.orIt shouldcleanernever. It shouldbe storedneveranybe placestor dwhereany placeits vaporswherecanits vaporsbuild up or travelc n buildto anupignitionor travelsourceto anlikegnitiona pilotsourcelight. likeFuelabelongspi t lightin. anFuelapproved,belongs plastic,in an sealedapproved,gas can,plastic,or in sealedthe tractorgasfuelcan,tankor inwiththethetractorcapfusecurelyl tank withclosedthe. Spilledcap
Proper maintenance is critical to the safety and performance of your unit. Be
Proper maintenance is critical to the safety and performance of your unit. Be sure
sure to perform the maintenance procedures listed in this manual, especially pe- to perform the maintenance procedures listed in this manual, especially periodically
riodically testing the safety system. testing the safety system.
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