IMPORTANT-For Your SafetyTo ensure safe operation the three-pin plug supplied must be
inserted only into a standard three-pin power point which is
effectively grounded thr ough the normal household wiring.
Extension cords used with the equipment must be three-conductor
and be correctly wired to pr ovide connection to ground. Incorr ectly
wired extension cords ar e a major cause of fatalities.
The fact that the equipme nt operates satisfactorily do es not imply
that the power is grounded and that the installation is compl etely
safe. For your safety, if in any doubt about the effect ive grounding of
the power, consult a qualifie d electrician.
Disconnect device
This machine must be installed near a power outlet, which is easily
accessible. In case of emergencies, you mu st disconnect the power
cord from the power outlet in order to shut off power completely.
IMPORTANT NOTICEUnder power failure condit ions, this telephone may not opera te.
Please ensure that a separat e telephone, not dependent on local
power, is available for emergency use in emergencies.