About emulation modes
This printer has the following emulation modes:
HP LaserJet mode
The HP LaserJet mode (or HP mode) is the emulation mode in which this printer supports the PCL 5C
and PCL 6 language of the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet laser printer. Many software applications support
this type of laser printer. Using this mode will allow your printer to operate at its best with those
BR-Script3 mode
BR-Script is an original Brother page description language and a PostScript® language emulation
interpreter. This printer supports level 3. The BR-Script interpreter of this printer allows you to control
text and graphics on pages.
For technical information about PostScript® commands, see the following commercial manuals:
■Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript® Language Reference, third Edition. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc., 1999. ISBN: 0-201-37922-8
■Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript® Language Program Design. Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc., 1988. ISBN: 0-201-14396-8
■Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript® Language Tutorial and Cookbook. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc., 1985. ISBN: 0-201-10179-3
HP-GL mode
The HP-GL mode is the emulation mode in which this printer supports the HP-GL of the Hewlett-Packard
plotter model HP-7475A. Many graphics and CAD applications support this type of plotter. Use this mode
so your printer will work well when printing from those types of applications.
EPSON FX-850 and IBM Proprinter XL mode
The EPSON FX-850 and IBM Proprinter XL modes are the emulation modes that this printer supports to
meet the industry-standard for dot matrix printers. Some applications support these dot matrix printer
emulations. Use these emulation modes so your printer will work well when printing from those types of