Upgrading Your Machine's Software Using USB Media
You can use USB media and a computer to download software upgrades for your sewing machine. When an upgrade program is available on our website at “http://solutions.brother.com”, please download the file(s) following the instructions on the website and steps listed below.
zWhen using USB media to upgrade the software, check that no data other than the upgrade file is saved on the USB media being used before starting to upgrade.
zUpgrade file can be recalled from a USB flash drive (USB flash memory) of any size.
zWhen the machine's software is upgraded, saved combinations of character and decorative stitches are erased. However, saved embroidery patterns are not erased.
aPress and hold the (Settings key) while turning on the machine.
XThe following screen appears.
bInsert the USB media into the USB port on the machine. The media device should only contain the upgrade file.
aUSB port for media
bUSB media
zWhen using USB media equipped with an access indicator, the access indicator will begin flashing after the media is inserted into your computer or machine, and may take about 5 to 6 seconds before the media is recognized. (The length of time differs depending on the USB media.)
X The following screen appears.
zIf an error occurred, a text error message will appear. At this time, turn the machine off, and then start the procedure again from step
dWhen the following screen appears, upgrading is completed.
eRemove the USB media, and turn the machine off and on again.