■Do not remove ink cartridges i f you do not need to replace them.
If you do so, it may reduce the ink quantity and the MFC will not
know the quantity of ink left in the cartridge.
■Do not touch the cartridge insertion slots. If you do so, the ink
may stain your skin.
■If ink stains your skin or clot hing, wash with soap or detergen t
■If you install an ink cartridg e in the wrong colour position, you
must clean the print head several times befo re you start printing
(after correcting the cartridge installation) because the colours
were mixed.
■Once you open an ink cart ridge, install it in the MFC and use it up
within six months of installation. Use uno pened ink cartridges b y
the expiration date writte n on the cartridge package.
■Do not dismantle or tamper with th e ink cartridge, this can cause
the ink to leak out of the cartridge.
■Brother multifunction mac hines are designed to work with ink of
a particular specification and work to a level of optimum
performance when used with ge nuine Brother ink cartridges.
Brother cannot guarantee this optimum performance if ink or ink
cartridges of other specif ications are used. Brother does not
therefore recommend the use o f cartridges other than genuine
Brother cartridges with this machine or the refilling of empty
cartridges with ink from ot her sources. If damage is caused to the
print head or other part s of this machine as a resul t of the use of
ink or ink cartridges other than genuine Brother products due to
the incompatibility or lack of suitability of those products with this
machine, any repairs required as a result will not be covered by
the warranty.