ENABLE ADSThis function allows the operator to choose whether or not to display an advertising message. An ad can be saved to the brewer by either writing the ad using the programming commands, or by entering the ad into the brewer using an AD CARD. This message will be displayed when the brewer is not in use.
Procedure to Enable/Disable Ads:1.Press and hold the right hidden button until the display reads SET LANGUAGE. Press the right hid- den button until the display reads ENABLE ADS. The YES or NO will be flashing to indicate the current selection.
2.Press and release the NO button to disable this function (no ads will be displayed on the screen), or:
3.Press and release the YES button to enable this function (ads will be displayed on the screen).
4.When finished, press and release DONE to save the new setting and advance to the next function screen.
5.If NO was selected, the display should now read ENABLE SANITATION. To exit programming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press and release the ON/OFF pad.
6.If YES was selected, the display should now read NEW AD?. This screen allows the operator to select between using an ad card to read in a new ad, writing an ad, or using the ad currently stored in the brewer’s memory (if an ad was previously saved).
Procedure to WRITE an Ad:NOTE: Writing and saving a new ad will erase any previously saved ad in the brewer’s memory.
7.From the NEW AD? screen, press and releaseWRITE.8.The display should now read 2 LINES 16 CHARS AVAILABLE, and then SCROL THRU ALPHA, NEXT
9.To write the top line of a new ad, press and release YES. To skip the top line and only write a bottom
13. To exit programming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press and release the ON/OFF pad.
10.The display will now read A with a flashing cursor below it. Press and hold the SCROLL button to scroll through the alphabet and available characters. When the desired character is shown on the display, press and release NEXT to move to the next character in the top line.
11.Repeat step 10 until the top line is complete.12.Press and release DONE. The display should now read WRITE BTM LINE?.13.To write the bottom line of the new ad, press and release YES.14.To skip the bottom line, press and release NO.a.If neither a top nor bottom line was written, the display should now read ENABL SANITATION.
b.If only a top line was written, the ad will be displayed followed by SAVE? Proceed to step 18.
15.The display will now read A with a flashing cursor below it. Press and hold the SCROLL button to scroll through the alphabet and available charac- ters. When the desired character is shown on the display, press and release NEXT to move to the next character in the bottom line.
16.Repeat step 15 until the bottom line is complete.17.Press and release DONE. The display will now show the written ad, and then SAVE?
18.To cancel saving the ad, press and release NO. The display should now read ADVERTISEMENT NOT SAVED! and then will return to the NEW AD screen. To exit programming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press and release the ON/OFF pad.
19.To correct or edit the ad, press and release EDIT. The display should now read WRITE TOP LINE? Repeat steps 10 though 17.
20.To save the ad as it is shown, press and release YES. The display should now read ADVERTISE- MENT SETUP COMPLETE, and then ENABL SANITA- TION. To exit programming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press and release the ON/OFF pad.
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