Read carefully before commencing to remove the machine from the tractor.
The order of the following steps must be followed exactly. Disconnecting the top link must be the last operation prior to driving the tractor away from the machine.
Do not operate valve lever or machine controls through the rear cab window while standing on or among linkage components. Always seek assistance.
1.Select a firm level site for parking the machine.
2.Replace parking legs in their sockets and secure in their lowest position.
3.Raise the machine on the tractor linkage until the weight is taken off the stabilizer.
4.Remove the lower stabilizer pins.
5.Unscrew the lift cylinder hydraulic
6.Lower the machine to the ground.
7.Extend the arms and place the flail head on the ground at half reach.
8.Disengage tractor PTO and remove.
9.Disconnect stabilizer bars or loosen check chains as applicable.
10.Unbolt the control unit from the mounting pillar, remove from tractor cab and stow the levers or switchbox clear of the ground.
11.Disconnect the stabilizer from the tractor’s top hitch position. Allow the stabilizer to slide along the rail until it contacts the eccentric stops.
12.Remove draft link pins and drive tractor away from machine.
If machine is to be left standing for an extended period of time, lightly coat the exposed portions of the ram rods with grease. Subsequently this grease should be wiped off before the rams are next moved. If the machine has to be stored outside, tie a piece of tarpaulin or canvas over the control assembly, do not use a plastic fertilizer bag which could lead to rapid corrosion.
Refer to and follow steps on ‘initial attachment to tractor.
1.Connect stabilizer into tractors top hitch position used previously.
2.Raise the machine on the tractor linkage until the stabilizer contacts the eccentric stops.
3.Fit stabilizer lower pins.
4.Mount controls in the tractor cab.
5.Fit PTO shaft and attach torque chain to a convenient point to prevent the shaft guard rotating.
6.Place arms in work position at half reach and adjust lift arm levelling box to bring frame horizontal.
7.Tighten check chains.
8.Stow parking legs.
9.Fold machine into transport position.
10.Proceed to the work site.
1.Remove stabilizer and top link from machine and separate.
2.Refer to and follow steps “initial attachment to tractor”.
RMB 1865 11/10 | Assembly Section |
© 2010 Alamo Group Inc.