Caller ID Operation & Programming 19
General Caller ID Information

Caller ID Displays

When a call is received, the display will show the callers name and
number after the second ring. If you have Call Waiting and you are
on a call, the display will show the new caller ID informat ion.
Caller ID Caller ID with Call Waiting
Incoming Calls -- The display will also indicate:
How many calls have been received (CL# = 1 to 100).
If call has been answered (ANS). Area is blank if call is unanswered.
If calls are repeat calls (Rep) and how many times the same
number called (3x).

Date and Time Displayed

When your phone is first connected and in idle mode, the current
date and time will automatically display when the first incoming
call is received.
Time is displayed in a 12-hour format indicating AM/PM.
The current date is displayed in a MM/DD format.

Things You Should Know …

If you answer a call too quickly (between the 1st and 2nd ring),
you may hear a (FSK) signal before the call has been connected.
If you answer a call before the caller ID information is
presented, the display will be blank.
09:10 01/05
Vodavi Com m
09:15 01/05
Jonathan Gold
12:20 01/05
Vodavi Co mm
CL # (ANS) Rep 3x