68 SNMP Management ELS100-24TX
Table 5-2 Switch Information Variables (continued)
Variable Description
SwitchMirroredPort Port to be mirrored from.
SwitchMirroringPort Port to be mirroring to.
SwitchXmitMirrorEnable Enable/disable mirroring of transmitted traffic.
SwitchRcvMirrorEnable Enable/disable mirroring of received traffic.
SwitchVlanEnable Enable/disable global VLAN operation of the
SwitchVlanConfigTable Table indexed by SwitchVlanId
SwitchVlanId VLAN number or ID.
SwitchVlanName Text string for VLAN name.
SwitchVlanPorts Ports in the VL AN.
SwitchVlanStatus Variable used to add or delete ent ri es fro m the
SwitchVlanEgressPort s Ports to which traffic destined for this VLAN may
be transmitted.
SwitchVlanStatus Variable used to add or delete ent ri es fro m the
SwitchVlanPortTable Table indexed by SwitchVlanPortId.
SwitchVlanPortId Port number or ID.
SwitchVlanPvid Port VLAN ID (PVID) for this port.
SwitchVlanPortType The type of VLAN this port is operating as, ei the r
hybrid or access.
SwitchPriorityEnable Enable/disable global traffic priority in the
SwitchPriorityThreshold Priority threshold level (0-7) in the switch which
defines switch traffic to be high or low priority.
SwitchPriorityPortTable Priority table indexed by SwitchPriorityPortId.
SwitchPriorityPortId Port number or ID.
SwitchPriorityDefault Priority level (0-7) assigned to untagged traffic
entering the associated port.