9032579-03 SNMP Management 69
Table 5-3. Port Vari ab les
Compiling MIB Extensions: Cabletron Websit e
The MIBs supported by the ELS100-24TX switch must be compiled into
the SNMP network management platform before the switch can be
managed. The supported MIBs are available using Cabletron’s website


The four standard MIB s pecifications listed above with which the
ELS100-24TX switch is compliant are general ly av ailab le with th e SNMP
management platform.
Application modules specific to mana ging the ELS10 0-24TX switch un der
different network management p latforms are available. C ontact Cabl etron
Systems for information regarding supported platforms.
Variable Descri ption
PortId Port number or ID.
PortStatus Link status of the port.
PortDuplexStatus Full/half duplex setting of the port. Not configurab le
if auto-negotiation is enabled.
PortName Text name assigned to the port.
PortEnable Enable/disable status of the port.
PortSpeed Speed the port is operating at. Not configurable if
auto-negotiation is enabled.
PortAutonegEnable Enable/disable auto-negotiation on the port.
PortFlowControlEnable Enable/disable flow control on the port.