78 Spanning Tree Concepts ELS100-24TX
Spanning Tree Protocol in a NetworkFigure B-1 illustrates the use of thre e ELS100-24 TX switch es to estab lish
an effective Spanning Tree configuration. Switches A, B and C are
connected together in a redundant to pology (more th an one path bet ween
two points). If the connection between A and B goes down, the link
between A and C becomes active, thereby estab lishin g a path between A
and B through switch C. Additionally, if the connection between B and C
goes down, the link between A a nd C beco mes active , establ ishing a path
between B and C through switch A.
Figure B-1. Spanning Tree Using ELS100-24TX Switches
Spanning Tree Protocol ParametersSeveral configuration parameters control the operation of the Spanning
Tree Protocol. Table B-1 describes the parameters and lists the
ELS100-24TX switch default settings for each parameter.
You can cause serious network performance degradation
if you do not fully understand Spanning Tree concepts.
Be sure to consult personnel experienced with this
process prior to configuring Spanning Tree parameters.