Configuring SNA Ports 7-11
SNA Status and Configuration
Figure 7-3. SDLC LLC2 ConÞguration window
The SDLC LLC2 ConÞguration window allows you to conÞgure the following
This is the SDLC PU Station Address, 00 - ff, that identiÞes the PU you are
conÞguring. It must match the ADDR parameter set in the macro PU in the VTAM
Local SAP Address
This is the remote service access point (SAP) address used to connect the PU to
the host. This parameter is relevant only in a connection to a 3174 or AS/400-type
setup where a speciÞc source SAP address is required. If the LLC2 session will run
over a native LLC2 frame relay interface, this parameter will be ignored.
Local MAC Address
This address identiÞes the PU to the host. Like the local SAP address, this
parameter is relevant only in a connection to a 3174 or AS/400-type setup where a
speciÞc source MAC address is required. If the LLC2 session will run over a
native LLC2 frame relay interface, this parameter will be ignored.