BSC Interactive Configuration
8-8 BSCI Subscriber ID Information
The top part of the window displays a list of BSCI port subscribers. The bottom
part of the window allows you to modify or add the following BSCI subscriber
Local Subscriber ID
This is the subscriber address of the local end of a BSCI connection. Enter a
Subscriber ID of up to 15 digits. This is the same subscriber ID that is speciÞed in
the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber Table, for
Subscriber ID conventions). Each Local Subscriber conÞgured here must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table, so that routing information for each subscriber
address can be speciÞed.
Remote Subscriber ID
This is the subscriber address of the remote end of a BSCI connection. It is used by
the local device to identify where a call is going. Enter a Subscriber ID of up to 15
digits. A Subscriber ID record must also be conÞgured for this address (see
Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber Table for Subscriber ID conventions).
If the BSCI port is one end of a connection to a logical port in the FRX or
SmartSwitch 1800, this ID must match a Subscriber ID conÞgured for the logical
Connection ID
This number identiÞes the association between a local subscriber and a device
conÞgured in the BSCI Device Information window (see ConÞguring BSCI
Devices, page 8-9).
Auto Call
This parameter is relevant only if the PAD Type speciÞed for this port is TPAD. If
Yes is selected, a TPAD will automatically call its HPAD when the Control Unit
(CU), identiÞed by the Control Unit ID in the BSCI Device Information window
(see ConÞguring BSCI Devices, page 8-9) becomes active. If No is selected, no
automatic call is placed. If the TPAD is connecting to a logical port in the FRX or
SmartSwitch 1800, Auto Call must be set to Yes. The default value for this
parameter is No.
Retry Timer
The amount of time (in seconds) between Auto Call retries (see above). If Auto
Call is disabled, (if No was selected), this Þeld will be grayed out. The default
value for this parameter is 60.
Retry Count
The maximum number of times an Auto Call (see above) will be sent. If Auto Call
is disabled, (if No was selected), this Þeld will be grayed out. The default value
for this parameter is 0 (indeÞnite).