PVC to Server
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride. A material commonly used in the fabrication of cable
insulation. This term is used to describe a non-plenum rated insulating
material. See also Plenum. PVC releases toxic smoke when burned.
Redundant Extra or contingent. A redundant system is one that is held in reserve
until an occurrence such as a failure of the primary system causes it to be
Relay An electrical switch which opens and closes in response to the application
of voltage or current.
Repeater A network device consisting of a receiver and transmitter which is used
to regenerate a network signal to increase the distance it may traverse.
Ring-In/Ring-Out Token Ring connections which are made between MAUs utilizing two
separate physical cables and incorporating an auto-wrap recovery
RJ45 A modular connector style used with twisted pair cabling. The RJ45
connector resembles the modern home telephone connector (RJ11).
RMIM Repeating Media Interface Module. A term used to indicate a family of
Cabletron Systems Ethernet Media Interface Modules (See MIM) which
are capable of performing their own repeater functions.
Router A router is a device which connects two or more different network
segments, but allows information to flow between them when necessary.
The router, unlike a bridge, examines the data contained in every packet
it receives for more detailed information. Based on this information, the
router decides whether to block the packet from the rest of the network or
transmit it, and will attempt to send the packet by the most efficient path
through the network.
S Ports FDDI ports which are used by FDDI stations and end nodes to make
single attached connections to FDDI concentrators.
SDRAM Shared Dynamic Random Access Memory.
Segment A portion of a network which is separated from other networks. A
segment may be one portion of a bridged, switched, or routed network.
Segments must be capable of operating as their own networks, without
requiring the services of other portions of the network.
Server A workstation or host device that performs services for other devices
(clients) on the network.